Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 11 - Week of January 10th

Gotta get better at keeping up with this blog!  I feel redundant because I also have my main log on Garmin Connect!  But this is all to keep my supporters informed of my progress for my training for Boston!  Thank you for your contribution and our fight against cancer!

This is Geoff Smith winning the 1984 Boston Marathon in 2:10:34.  I was a senior in high school and remember this race as well as his win the following year.  He is now the mentor for the American Cancer Society's DetermiNation Endurance Team!  How cool is that?  He provides us with training advice as we get ready for Boston.
January 11 - Marlboro Retro Fitness. Tempo Run. 1st hour = 7.5mi; 2nd hour = 8.48mi with Newton Hills Simulator beginning at mile 1.0.  Cool down was a 1.02 mile jog, followed with a 1 mile jog barefoot.  Felt great despite coming down with a cold.  Ate udon and rice before the run.
Weight after run = 144
Shoes - Nike Air Zoom Skylon (orange)

Total Miles = 18.0

January 14 - Marlboro Retro Fitness. Progression Run. Ran 7 miles in 46:30 (6:37 p/mi).  Last mile in 5:50.  Felt very good and strong.  After my last run on January 11th, all symptoms of the cold went away!
Weight after run = 147
Shoes - Nike Air Zoom Skylon (orange).

January 16 - John A, Phillips Park. Easy Run.  Ran 8 miles in 1:00:32 (7:32 p/mi).  Ran the last mile in 6:36.


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