Sunday, October 31, 2010

Running for a world of less cancer and more birthdays!

You and I know family and friends who were afflicted with cancer.  Some survived.  Some didn't.  I decided to run for the American Cancer Society's DetermiNation Program.  God blessed me with the ability to run well and I believe I need to use this blessing to help others.  Now I run for a deeper, more meaningful reason.  It's no longer about me trying to get better times or traveling to see different cities.  There are others who can't because of cancer.
It's only fitting that I run my first charity race during the 2011 Boston Marathon. It's the oldest, most prestigious marathon requiring a qualifying time by age group to enter.  Runners can run Boston without a qualifying time by running for an approved charity, but those spaces are very limited and it can be challenging for them because they have to raise thousands of dollars.  Because I qualified for Boston, the minimum amount to raise is a mere $750, but would love to raise much more than that!  I know that you are in one way or another affected by someone who has suffered through cancer and may have survived or not.  I ask that you contribute in any way you can to my running campaign.  Your generous donation is another step towards finding the cure for cancer.  When I cross the finish line on Boylston Street in Boston, know that we did it together in helping create a world with less cancer and more birthdays!

Always a Runner...
(Note:  I paid for my own entry fee and will do the same for all travel expenses. The DeterminNation Program does not reimburse its members. Also, 100% of all donations made to my campaign go directly to the DetermiNation Program.)

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